BarWars III
West Palm Beach ,Florida USA
May 28th 2002

"BarWars III" Prize List

BarWars III


Prize List

1st Place = $2,000.00

2nd Place = $ 750.00

3rd Place = $ 250.00

Best Speed/Accuracy Round = $100.00

( Out of Qualifying or Final Rounds )

" Flairco's Big Ass Move" = $50.00

( Out of Qualifying or Final Rounds )

Best Specialty Drink = TBA


There will be prizes for 1st - 10th place.

Every Contestant will receive an Official Bar Wars III video.

There is a $ 25.00 entry fee to cover our costs and help with prize money.

Contestants need to be at Blue Martini 11:00am November 10th to register.

This Competition will be covered by with pics and video of the winners.


Main - Rules - Speed / Accuracy Round - Flair / Specialty Round - Drink List - Bar Layout - Prizes - New Directions -Itinerary- Hotel/Accommodations