Join us:

Date & Time: Tuesday September 20th 2011 from 8pm-1am.

Location: Club Safari

Notes: Raising Funds and Awareness for Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida


The benefit of rescue adoption is that by doing so, you’re opening up your heart to the love and companionship of a dog who may otherwise remained homeless and uncared for before coming to LRRoF. We call this “recycling love.”

Join us Tuesday September 20th, 2011 as we help raise funds and awareness for "Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida". We will be auctioning off the cocktails from the event as well as selling raffle tickets for prizes.

What makes "Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida" different is that they work together with you to make a match that is compatible with your particular lifestyle and family dynamic. Your Adoption Counselor will work with you to find just the right Lab for you. Your Adoption Counselor is your primary point of contact and will help facilitate communication between you and your foster parents to ensure the best possible support.

By rescuing from "Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida" you are saving a life and making a difference!

Click HERE to learn more or you can Donate by clicking HERE.

"I ask you to consider donating to support Labs that have been abandoned, or in medical need. Recycle Love, help a lab, it is a great feeling."

Main - Itinerary - "Kick-Off" Party - Spirited Dinner - Seminars -
Sampling Hall -
Contests - Personalities - Charity -2009 - 2010 - Summer Flair 6 -