Join Dean at:

Absolut & Finest Call's Spirited Dinner

Make Drinks That Sell! Seminar

Summer Flair 5 Flair Trick Contest

Absolut & Finest Call Mixology Contest

Making cocktails sell.

Join Dean Serneels, Director of Beverage Applications for Finest Call Premium Cocktail mixes as he "makes drinks that sell". Dean will explore some of the myths of using fresh ingredients and discuss how to bridge the challenges of fresh products with more easily executable and profitable cocktail mixes. Attendees will also enjoy learning techniques on how to make drinks sell themselves. When great taste is not enough, the best selling cocktails attract their own attention. Be it colors, glassware, garnish or a big presentation. This seminar will be a great advantage to anyone looking to improve cocktail sales and creating more than a buzz at the bar.


Main - Itinerary - "Green with Envy" Party - Spirited Dinner - Seminars -
Sampling Hall -
Contests - Personalities - 2009 - Summer Flair 5 -